Headline Highlights: Miami and Miamians in the news in October
Our editors' picks for October provide a snapshot of recent news media coverage.

Headline Highlights: Miami and Miamians in the news in October
Miami Media Highlights displays selected media placements of contributions by Miamians and the local and global impact of the university. Updated weekly, it is accessible on the Miami News website.
Our editors' picks for October provide a snapshot of recent news media coverage:
ABC News , Oct. 2: Tests, background checks can thwart police diversity effort
- Rodney Coates, professor of global and intercultural studies, is interviewed in this story about law enforcement entry procedures and the importance of community connection in law enforcement.
Forbes , Oct. 4: 15 Ways to Leverage Facebook Messenger for Conversational Marketing at Scale
- Jaime Hunt, vice president and chief marketing and communications officer, shares tips on interacting with customers through Facebook Messenger.
NPR WVXU , Oct. 8: Miami University holding a Day of Reflection to mark the 175th anniversary of the Miami Tribe’s removal from its homelands
- Kara Strass, director of Miami Tribe Relations, is quoted in this preview story of the Day of Reflection, a commemoration of the 175th anniversary of the Miami Tribe's removal from their homelands, held Oct. 11.
Wall Street Journal , Oct. 6: Builders Hunt for Alternatives to Materials in Short Supply
- Lisa Ellram, professor of management, is quoted in this article about builders swapping out materials to minimize delays in the housing market.
CBS WBOC , Oct. 6: The College Tour Now Available on Amazon's IMDb TV
- Miami University is featured in this innovative series that offers an inside look at college campuses around the country.
Business Insider , Oct. 6 : The pandemic struck the Gen Xers right in the middle of their peak earning years. It’s been to their advantage
- Megan Gerhardt, professor of management, is quoted in this article about the career advantage of Gen Xers during the pandemic. (Subscription required.)
Cincinnati Enquirer, Oct. 11: A day of reflection: Miami Tribe suffered loss 'measured well beyond' removal, chief says
- Miami University President Gregory Crawford, Miami Tribe Relations Director Kara Strass, and Associated Student Government President Madelyn Jett are quoted in this story about the Day of Reflection events commemorating the 175th anniversary of the removal of the Miami Tribe from their homeland.
WVXU NPR, Oct. 11: Miami University licenses the manufacturing of psychedelic drugs (just without the trip)
- Interview with Andrew Jones, assistant professor of chemical, paper and bioengineering, and Matthew McMurray, assistant professor of psychology, about their research on manufacturing psilocybin and scaling up for future clinical trials.
Washington Post , Oct. 15: Jazz venues have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic. They are hoping the worst is over.
- Tammy Kernodle, University Distinguished Professor of Music, is quoted in this article about how jazz venues struggled financially during the pandemic .
WCPO-CIN, Oct. 13: S upply chain and trucker shortag es
- Henry Jin, associate professor of management, is interviewed about the effect of trucker shortages on supply chain issues.
WLWT5 , Oct. 13: Demand for workers spikes with Kroger now looking to hire 20,000 people nationwide
- Scott Dust, associate professor of economics, is quoted in this story about Kroger searching for workers.
Government Executive , Oct. 12: Does Happiness Slow Down Cognitive Decline
- Sara Mclaughlin, associate professor of sociology and gerontology, co-authored a publication that was highlighted in this story.
Indian Country Today , Oct. 19: Myaamia Tribe commemorates forced removal 175 years ago
- Story about the relationship between Miami University and the Myaamia Tribe, and the Day of Remembrance Miami hosted on Oct. 11.
Technology Newsroom , Oct. 18: Why Ford Picked Tennessee for Its New Electric-Vehicle Plant
- James Rubenstein, adjunct professor emeritus of geography, is quoted in this story about why Ford placed its electric vehicle plant in Tennessee .
SPNWS , Oct. 18: The TRIO program
- Feature about the Miami University Regionals TRIO program that helps college students find necessary resources to succeed. Also in:
- Spectrum News.com , Oct. 18: Program helps first generation college students
Austin American-Statesman , Oct. 17: 'We should all honor parts of who we are': Nichole Prescott on reviving indigenous cultures
- Feature story about alumna and Miami Tribe of Oklahoma citizen Nichole Prescott (Miami M.A. ‘00) and how she reconnected with her culture through Miami University’s Myaamia Center and the relationship between the Miami Tribe and Miami University.
New York Times , Oct. 22: After dropping free community college plan, democrats explore options
- Riley Acton, assistant professor of economics, is quoted in this story about the barriers students face in applying for financial aid for community college.