Headline Highlights: Miami and Miamians in the news in September
Our editors' picks for September provide a snapshot of recent news media coverage

Headline Highlights: Miami and Miamians in the news in September
FutureCar.com, Sept. 24: Auto workers’ strike and its impact on Joe Biden’s manufacturing boom
- James Rubenstein, adjunct professor emeritus of Geography, is quoted in this story about the auto workers’ strike.
Al Jazeera.com, Sept. 22: Jann Wenner: Pay attention to the man behind the curtain
- Tammy Kernodle, University Distinguished Professor of Music, penned this OpEd on Jann Wenner, the co-founder of Rolling Stone magazine and his recent remarks that sparked a cultural firestorm.
FAST COMPANY, Sept. 18: 4 ways to give Gen Z employees the feedback they need—and really want
- This article detailing how Gen Z employees respond to and expect managerial feedback was written by Megan Gerhardt, professor of Management.
SALON, Sept. 16: Recent evidence suggests prehistoric women were hunters, too. Who said they weren't? Men, of course
- This article on the prehistoric roles of women quotes Kimberly Hamlin, the James and Beth Lewis Professor of History.
People Magazine, Sept. 16: College Student Gets Assigned Same Dorm Room Where Her Mom Lived 33 Years Ago: 'We Both Screamed'
- This article features a Miami University mother and daughter, Laura and Sarah Bowling, who were assigned to the same residence hall (Emerson Hall) 33 years apart.
USA Today, Sept. 14: Schools spend billions on training so every student can succeed. They don’t know if it works
- This article is about how schools are addressing biases and racism. It quotes Andrew Matschiner, a visiting assistant professor in Educational Leadership, on the subject of utilizing professional development for staff to combat these issues.
Wall Street Journal, Sept. 12: ‘Feedback’ Is Now Too Harsh. The New Word Is Feedforward
- This article about feedback and performance reviews quotes Megan Gerhardt, professor of Management.