The ten-year contract for furniture-related services will save the university money through negotiated pricing, allow Physical Facilities resources to be redirected to higher value needs and support implementation of new design standards.
In an effort to use university resources more efficiently, the physical facilities department is making changes to services related to furniture assets.
The OEEO Team wants you to know that the Office of Equity and Equal Opportunity (OEEO) continues to work remotely to respond to employment requests, meet with search committees, investigate harassment and discrimination reports, and administer virtual harassment and discrimination prevention training.
We pride ourselves on providing internal and external audiences with the latest information on Miami news and events. We also provide public relations, media relations, and communications services and resources, as well as administrative information for members of the Miami community.
22 Nellie Craig Walker Hall
301 S. Campus Ave.
Oxford, OH 45056
513-529-3257 (fax)